It's been awhile since I've updated. I moved the blog from myspace, and then dropped off the face of the Earth for a few weeks. Though,I'll have you know it wasn't from lack of desire. I've been either too busy, or too tired to sit down and write anything. When I did try, it came out like extremely long cat turd. (or...something?)
So, I deleted and figured I'd wait for the time to find me, and not vice versa.
I guess, the moment is now.
For once, I decided to fore-go the "stereotypical-of-Nick" holiday time blog. (Though...theres always X-mas coming up for those of you who like to read about me wallowing in self pity)
Over the last several years, I've went to dinner at my roomates' families' house. This year, however I didnt.
We first went to some friends' of mine, then some friends' of his. It was a good day, and for the first time in a long time, I didn't feel like I was infringing upon anyone elses' traditions. (even though thats never been the case...I always tend to feel like I am...even when it's obvious that I'm welcome) It may not seem like a big thing, reality I guess it isn't. But, it made me feel better about myself. My holiday was more than a "you've got nowhere else to you can come here" kind of thing. While I love and appreciate the family that has welcomed me over the's kind of nice to feel like less of a crutch.
Last year while at work, I had this painful sensation (not a good one) in my testicle area. Being a worry wart I assumed the worst, hoped for the best, and waited for it to go away. After it didnt, I saw myself in the waiting room at the hospital to get it checked out. (There was a blog about this debacle on my myspace page...I won't get into it again) I was given some Ibuprofen 800, and sent on my merry way with the assurance that....everything was fine, they could find nothing.
Over the last year, the pain has come and gone in brief stints, but being the son of my mother whom always worried about every single thing to a crazy extreme...
me: I have a headace..I've had it for two days
crazy mother: Oh my god nick...what if you have a could be a tumor. You should go get it looked at, my brothers' fourth sons' best friends' dogs' former owner had a tumor...he died. You can die from it.
...I've been convinced that this pain is inevitably going to be the death of me.
With it coming and going at random intervals, it's hard to determine just when death will strike. Finally after dealin with it for so long...I went to the ER again.
The same procedures were taken, basically the only difference was that instead of having a doctor that joked too much, I had a pervy looking doctor.
You know the kind. He's like that one uncle you have, that noone talks to. The one that sleeps in a waterbed, but without the water in it...just on the wood. The type of guy that feeds birds in the park, but not because he cares.....but so that he can watch little Jimmy and his sister on the teeter totter...going up and down...up and down...up and down. Then he goes home, jacks off into a sock, and spends the next three hours watching Star Trek and praying.
My doctor....was that guy. Only, fatter and scarier. And, short.
At one point, after going through all the sexual questions "are you sexually you use you have any stds" (yes, typically........, and no) he stops....turns around, looks at me, and... (i quote)
"Are you a top or a bottom"
I'm used to that question on, or not from my doctor. The man I'd entrust my tumor with. The man who determines whats wrong with my testicles.
The horror!
After getting an ultrasound on my testicles.. ( another uncomfortable procedure..which occured at hospital visit numero uno as well)
" hold your penis back with this towel please" "move your penis to the right side please" "press down as if you were straining to have a bowel movement".
I found myself wondering if anyone ever had the shits before they went in, bit down "as if they were straining to have a bowel movement" and...actually...had a bowel horrible.
" testicular cancer sir..but you did hit our ultrasound technician in the face. what kinda shit is that"!?!
Ulimately, after looking at my ultrasound results....they found a small cyst on the Epididymitis. (whatever that is) They assured me it's nothing to worry about, fairly common, and probably won't require any sort of attention in the future. It's uncomfortable, but nothing that requires surgery, or...even medication apparently...because they gave me nothing. No pain pills....just a piece of paper saying where I can follow up at, and a big "hahaha...we just sucked 500 dollars out of you for nothing you stupid cyst on yer epididiwhateveritis havin sucker!" written in invisible ink.
How does one not get pain pills?!?! Why do they make you pick a number on the "chart-o-pain" if when a number over 5 is still get no pills?!!?!?
I mean..I'm not a pill kinda guy either, but if choosing between being a pill guy, or a horrible pain in the testicle guy...gimme the pills bitch.
I had to call off of work the next morning so that I could go get my results. I'm pretty sure that people at work think I made the whole thing up, which...pisses me off, and makes me chuckle at the same time. I tried explaining to a customer who said that people are irritated because i called off, that..I'm poor. dirt poor. I have more experience working in a bar, than our actual manager....and am still working crappy shifts where I make no money. I can't afford to call off because I'm tired or lazy. If I'm calling off, there's a reason for it. If you don't believe it, lick my cyst, fuck yourself and die. And, if you can't handle having to come in when there's an emergency without talking shit.....then take my shifts and shove them up your snobby fucking ass. :)
Speaking of work....Is it all jobs, or just ones involving bars, booze, and a bunch of assholes who think they're better than everyone?
The latest work debacle, is someone that works there....decided it would benefit them, if they got into the pad-locked freezer and steal 140 dollars worth of fish. (proving they're stupid...a crimer, and....just gross...)
The first defense I could come up with, and...only one needed...was " wasnt me...I dont eat fish. If it comes from a body of water..I don't touch it"
Our paychecks were gonna be held back from us until the thief came forward......that ultimately didn't happen..but irks me.
One person stealing, makes everyone look like a thief until he/she is caught.
And, I don't like looking like someone that steals. Because, well..I'm not.
Other than that...I'm looking for a new job. The bar business has drained me. It's made me an even more angry bitter and jaded person than I already was. It's killed my desire to talk to people, and taken the majority of the fun out of getting drunk. I'm sure I'll still be working there in 3 months, or however long...but, the desire to leave it behind me is a fantasy I live through each day. I look forward to the moment that I'm free of it.
Before my dad went to jail for things involving and relating to being a crackhead....he left me with a shitload of debt. Some of which involved a bad/stolen check he wrote to me, and asked me to withdrawl the money, leading me to give him 600 dollars on a check, that...bounced...causing me to owe the bank over 600 dollars.
Because of this, I've gone without a bank account for the last 6 years.
Finally, I've opened another account. I've got money in the bank, a debit card again, just obtained a copy of my birth certificate, and am going to get a new social security card this week. Then....*doom doom* license time baby!
Wheels in motion. Wheeeeels in moooooootion.
I've learned in the last year that time really is of the essence. It is something you can never capture....control or obtain. It goes, faster than you think...even when you know full well, that it goes really fucking fast.
I've reached a place where things as I've known them...are about to change drastically. I've seen them coming, held them off as long as I could, and even pretended to not realize that it was all happening.
At the end of February, I'll be entering a whole new chapter in my life. One that is more adult. In doing so, I'll be leaving things behind. Moments, memories. Friendships that have long ago fallen, but remained intact by strands of desperation, in hopes of going back to what they were. It's finally clear that...those things are impossible..not because they can't be fixed, but because everyone involved got what they needed.
A shoulder. A talk. A cry.
My friend angie once told me that very few friendships last forever. That, people meet on a path when they need each other, they become friends, and more often than not...when they've gotten what they needed, they part ways...and the friendship is over.
I didn't fully grasp that....until now. I look back, and..of the friendships I've acquired in my life...which were once many...very few remain.
Very few were ever really there. Not in the way they should've or could've.
I look forward to growing into a different person. Without as many crutches, and people to fall upon. But, a part of me will always want it back...miss it, and feel bad that they're not there.
I guess this is all a part of growing up.
Letting go if the things you've latched onto in that you can stop fearing them in general.
In other news..I think I severly sprained/ broke my pinky toe.
I stubbed it on the couch, and as of yesterday..looked like I have a smurf toe. It's a bit lightened today.
Ive been convinced I'm dying. My wrist also hurts.
I'm positive that I'm goin to get castrated. foot amputated... I will fall down some stairs...ultimately a cat will eat my stub-y leg, I'll writher away in pain...crawling down a hallway...where a rabid dog will drag me out into the street...gnawing my bloody helpless body....and leaving me for dead inside what will turn out to be a burning building. On the table in the morgue they'll determine that I was developing severe arthritis in my wrist.
And...that I had a tumor... then..I'll probably be a ball-less freak. :(
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Testicles. Spectacles. Wallet and Watch.
Posted by
-A Beautiful Mind-
3:15 PM
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4 comments:'re never a charity case with Mama Lowkey. But your poor ball! Um, if it's identified and causing you physical pain, shouldn't they just take it out?
Let's see...long blog...
Pervy doctors! And it's never the good-looking ones, either. If you had George Clooney in there, he'd have an old nurse touch your business. But the fatties/oldies are always the ones getting too touchy-feely (remember my ear infection visit that turned into a breast exam/pap smear fiasco?)... Honestly, though, asking the top/bottom question is sexual harassment.
Congrats on the account and pending license. Feel free to deposit money into my account when you're up at the bank.
I had that nut thing once...felt like I'd been kicked in the nads...
February = big brother / writers strike season? It better be! *huff*
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