It is said, that this upcoming election is probably the most important election our country has ever seen. It will definitely be a history making event, undoubtedly.
Most people you will encounter, will encourage you to vote. They will say, it doesn't matter, everyone needs to vote. Every vote counts, etc, etc.
And, while I agree with that, I am going to take a different stance.
If you are well knowledged in the candidates. And you really honestly believe that one is superior towards the other, than by all means....cast your vote and make the world a better place, or..whatever.
But, what's to be said about those people that aren't informed of the candidates, their particular stances on different issues, and other things like that?
Should these people be voting?
Should someone vote for John McCain because they are afraid of a black man being the President of United States?
What about voting for Barrack Obama simply because he is black, and somehow the fact that he's a minority means that he's going to be the Savior of Change.
I can honestly say that I will not be voting this year. I do not prefer one candidate over the other. In fact I'm at a complete stand-still. And, admittedly, I haven't done any of the research on either candidate I told myself I was going to do.
I personally believe that while everyone is entitled to their voice, sometimes a voice is best served silent.
I cannot pick which one I like best, so my vote would be based on some sort of personal trait. I don't like Sarah Palin, and I don't like Joe Biden, so neither of them can sway a vote for their running mate either.
I feel that since this is such an important race, isn't the idea supposed to be "vote for the best candidate".
I urge those of you who, may be like me. Unsure of either one, to step back and NOT vote simply because you think you have to.
If you think you have to vote Democratically simply because you're gay....You shouldn't be voting. And, if you think you have to vote Republican simply because you're not open minded, you shouldn't be voting.
You shouldn't vote for someone based on the color of their skin, or the amount of wrinkles a man has.
Unfortunately, this isn't the world.
Assloads of black people will vote for Barrack simply because he's black.
And assloads of rednecks will vote for McCain, simply because Obama is black.
Politics is sucha difficult and confusing thing. And unless you are incredibly mature about the way you look at things, its very difficult to identify with a party whole heartedly.
Too many people indentify themselves as one political party member without really knowing what it even means.
They pick and choose the issues they like about a party, and declare that the best platform for our country to be controlled through.
Every single person has their right to vote, and pick the person they see best fit for the job of leading the free world. Unfortunately, the majority of these people aren't intelligent to look at all the intangibles first.
Politics is much more than a black and white subject. And, if you don't know who you're voting for, and how they feel about all of the issues. (including their pasts....politics lie people) I personally don't think you should be voting at all.
And, that's why come Election day, I'll proudly say that I did not vote. That way, either way I can bitch about all you assholes electing someone I dislike.
This is not encouraging people to not vote. I do believe that voting for the things you believe in, is the only way to change the problems you see in the way things are. But, I will say that if you vote one way or another because of reasons that actually have nothing to do with where they are going to direct the country over the next four years, you should be staying home on election day too.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Vote....or Not.
Posted by
-A Beautiful Mind-
6:18 AM
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Hi there. While I do understand what you're saying, would you consider voting for OTHER items on the ballot but not necessarily all of the candidates/issues on there? I mean there are a couple of justices of the supreme court in Ohio on the ballot, there are toledo city schools, cosi, issue 6 statewide...well you get the picture. Also there is still time to do research. Just sayin. :-) And... I'm not trying to convince you of anything- I'm just a big believer in people getting their voices heard by voting.
lol. it was a metaphoric stay at home. i will be voting on all the issues.
Ugh, I almost feel doltish after your response... gotcha! guess I don't always get subtleties and/or read things a bit closer.
oh, and I totally agree if part of what you're saying is that so many people vote simply and ONLY based on the propaganda and ads they see...
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