It's been a motherfucking' long ass weekend. And, just when you think there's some relief in sight....Yer wrong! It's not! There is no relief. None. Zip. Nadda. El Nunya. (I don't think that is actually a word but it sounds we're gonna stick with it)
On Friday, Preston and I made plans to head to Michigan. The Detroit Auto Show was going on, and being a car person... he was molesting himself thinking of....engines and mufflers or whatever. Myself, being the thinker that I am figured, Well....we're gonna be in Detroit, we might as well go to Canton (michigan) first. Ikea is there, and Preston had never been there before.
Preston had a doctors' appt in the morning, so the plan became this. I'd go to my house and start packing my things. (moving sucks) while I was doing that, he'd go to the doctor, then we'd hit Meijer for some cheap sunglasses (he lost his) then we'd drive to Canton, lurk through Ikea, then we'd head to Detroit and see the Vrroom Vrrooms.
I got a pretty good start on the packing by the time he was done with the doctor. So off we went. Fyi, If yer looking for a cheap pair of sunglasses and you're a boy who DOESNT want little fake rhinestones glued to the front and sides, do not go to Meijer. Which, btw....I've noticed Meijer has done some remodeling. It now looks almost exactly like a Wal-Mart, minus the smiley faces, the rollback bullshit, the overstocked aisle-ways and about 33% less people with mullets. I'm all for change, and the color scheme is better than that red bullshit they were sportin, but...don't make it soooo obvious that yer copying your competition. Next they're gonna change their name to Mal-Wart. Granted, that lacks appeal. *shrug*
We drove to Canton, which...seemed like a longer drive the times I'd been before. We walked around the entire store, most of which I spent trying to talk myself into buying different things. Preston spent that time, trying to talk me out of it. The one thing I REEEEEALLY wanted was this really big ass picture of the like....NYC theatre-y area. But the car is too small. *sad face*.
I ended up leaving Ikea with a bag of swedish meatballs. A towel rack for the bathroom (it holds FOUR towels!) and a dish scrubby that sticks upright to the sink.
We won't even get in to how that makes me feel like a housewife, and mother of four.. I bet Martha Stewart woulda even bought something more personal, like a ....shower cap that also unfolds into gardening gloves or some shit.
From there, we headed to Detroit.
Preston has gone to this auto show thing before, so he knew where he needed to park and what nots. We find the parking garage, and begin the hike to the Civic Center.
I, am one of those people that a) doesn't like extreme heat, or cold. b) doesn't like homeless people and c) doesn't like to walk unless it's to the fridge. d) walks very slow
So, I was freezing, dodging homeless crackies askin for change like a......something that hasta dodge things alot, my leg starting cramping, and I was trying to catch up to Preston who walks faster than....someone who walks really fast in comparison to someone who doesnt.
I don't know what it is, with me and dating people who walk so fast. Maybe they're just impatient, maybe they're walking at a normal pace and I walk at the speed of turtle. I'm not sure, but this has been a reoccuring theme.
I hadn't eaten since breakfast, so I was getting to the point where my body needed nourishment. We finally got some food inside the center, but because it was so busy had to wait about ten minutes for a table. All of those things combined, had me turning into a cranky ass bitch. I was tired, sore, aggravated, hungry, and there were people everywhere. I hate people.
Add that with the fact that my interest in cars is about as high as my interest in my mailmans' moms' uncles' nieces' best friends' boyfriends' sisters' new haircut. I was pissy. I was grumpy and being a dick, and pretty much acted that way the whole time.
I heard the phrase "You think yer in motor city, up the trunk on the 2008 whateverthefuck make/model it was and you're instantly transported to ... CARGO CITY!"
People everywhere, trying to see the cars from every angle possible. Taking pictures.
"And this is the Ford Fuckmymouth. I was two fat mexican gangsters away from touching that car!"
People everywhere, bumping into me. Cutting me off, looking at me and thinking "why isn't he smiling...he's next to the Honda Whofuckingcares".
It wasn't all bad. I mean, if I had an interest in cars, or..even knew anything about them, it might be a good time. The good time in it for me, was that there were alot of people. Alot of hot people. Alot of hot, straight men people.
So, while Preston was looking at car seats and new designs, I was looking at hot peoples' faces. And crotches.
I've never checked out so many crotches in my life. Everywhere I looked, there was a hot man with what appeared to be, a very well equipped, crotch.
I'm not really a big "you need to have a big dick" kinda guy....but when in a group of 32543164376 hot men, it sure grabs yer attention.
I love straight men. Especially if they're mildly thugy. Not like ganster thug. But throw a saggy pair of jeans, (not too saggy) and a crooked hat on a hot man with side burns, give him cute shoes and a lil bit of facial hair, and ....I'm in hog heaven.
Preston was like "oh god thats a hot car" and I'm drooling over some guy trying to decide if thats the head of his dick I see, or if it's just wishful thinking. I'm like "yessssss it car..uh huh. drool drool drool."
I'm exagerating. But, there were some hot people. With that, however comes alot of ugly people. If theres anything I hate more than people in general, it's ugly people. And for every hot guy, there were four ugly guys, and two skanky girls. So it was like "boner. flacid. boner. flacid. boner. flacid. flacid. boner. boner. flacid. flacid. very very flacid. then, omg i have a vagina.
By the time we made it to the car again. I was practically ready to fall asleep standing up. Due to my being irritated/tired/etc and some other things, we had an arguement which resulted in silent treatment. Though, not because it was my way of punishing or anything, it was just..I knew that if I talked, it'd be bad. I'd end up projectile vomiting words of anger, my head woulda done a 360. Death threats woulda been made. So, I remained silent for about 5 hours.
Ultimately, we got over it all, because it was just silly.
I need to work on some things, one of which is, when something bothers me, to come right out and say it, and not hold it in for an extended period of time, then when I've boiled over, unleash it all.
Some people need time to cool down. I'm more the opposite. With time, my mind wanders, I get more upset and start thinkig of other shit. I'm a "this needs to be handled now...before it gets worse". Unfortunately...I've never met anyone that is also that way....
Saturday I had to go to my house and pack some more, then head to work. Upon getting there, I was told I was working a double.
I need to work doubles, but...they're still aggravating. Two shifts consecutively at the bar, isn't that bad, but when you've been packing, and had a long day the day has the possibility of turning bad.
It wasn't a bad was really painfully dead, so I didn't make neeeearly the amount of money I'd planned. Which, sucks because I need as much of the green as I can get mah hands on.
There was a shitload of work drama, that, thankfully didn't involve me, and...that was the end of that.
Sunday, was moving day.
Due to the fact that, we just.....don't talk anymore. It was decided that I'd move out when our lease was up.(So did my other roomate Antuan). Tonya found someone she wanted to live with more, all worked out I guess. Needing to be out by the first, this was the last weekend I had to move.
With everything packed, we got a truck, and loaded up my shit.
Realizing that I have far too much stuff for Preston's apartment. (we WILL be moving when his lease is I had to get a storage unit.
I reserved a 5x5x10. In case you were wondering, 5x5x10 is like the size of one box. Literally...its the size of a closet. I dunno how we fit what little bit of crap in there that we did, is pretty much full from top to bottom.
Now, I'm looking around the apartment...there are boxes everywhere. I have so much fucking shit, and nowhere to put it. So....Im pretty sure I'll be throwing away alot of random shit that I've been holding onto because I had the room before.
I've got alot of work ahead of me, unpacking, sorting through what I'm willing to throw away and what I'm not, then from there...finding a place to put all this shit.
On top of everything,we brought Paco here finally last night. I'm 90% positive he's developed canine diabetes because he won't stop drinking and peeing. He woke me up, every hour...whining because he needed more water..I'd fill the bowl, he'd drink the whole bowl, he'd pee, we'd lay back down....50 minutes later...same thing.
From what I gather he's been like this for awhile, I've got to scrunge up enough money to pay bills at the new place, pay bills at the old place, pay for a vet bill and probably medicine for paco, and i need to see a dr myself for some things that need taken care of.
I dont have money for all these things...So, unless I miraculously find a big stash of it somewhere,...I'm screwed. My health is dog is dying...and we'll die together in the darkness when our shit gets shut off. (lol).
Again..I'm exagerating a bit, the same time...I'm broke all a sudden!.
Anyway..I wanted to blog, now I'm looking at all these boxes and..I gotta start tackling something.
Peace and grease.
Monday, January 28, 2008
A Long and Winding Road. Er...Blog.
Posted by
-A Beautiful Mind-
5:30 AM
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1 comment:
Hey Nick,
Just wanted to say, great blog entry. I can totally relate to whole moving thing. I moved last year and I'm moving again in 2 weeks. It's suck ass BIG TIME!! I'm in the same boat with the so much shit thing. I'll be renting a 1 bedroom apartment and I'm not sure everything I have will fit!!
LOL. At least I know I'm not totally alone. Have fun!
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