It's not very often that I talk of gay rights and what nots.
I'm not one of those fags who needs gay marriage to be legalized. I don't think that marriage should be an easy thing to obtain. Gay or straight.
It seems that so much in our society in regards to relationships, is measured by children, and marriage. And possessions.
Something that seems so important to the majority of the country... "protect no to gay marriage"...shouldn't be so easy to obtain.
A man in prison, can marry a crack head prostitute, without having ever touched her. Two people can go downtown, sign a form, pay 30 dollars and boom.
That doesn't seem sacred.
To me, it's never been a real issue. I know that those for gay marriage, claim it's about benefits and blah blah blah.
I don't really believe that. I don't think we actually much as we just don't want to feel like our lives are being made out to be less great than those of straight people. It affects our pride.
Straight people, (some of them) I think also get a bad wrap for their ideas towards us.
If you look at it like this.
Our world has an underlying foundation based on religion.
The founding religions and mostly practiced ones, define homosexuality as an abomination.
Since religion has been the biggest reason for war, surely it matters to people.
If you are taught your entire life, that something is wrong, and you lack the open - mindedness or imagination to think things on your own accord.....should you be condemned for these feelings?
Not everyone, is capable of understanding things. And, not everyone understands homosexuality. When you don't understand an idea that is different than those of yours, ....history has taught us that people fear these ideas.
If my "god" told me all throughout history that sleeping with another man was going to send me to hell, and...i was straight....I might not like seeing two men hold hands.
The bible says that god, is forgiving.
Unfortunately....people are not.
The world has become a scary place. It's always sort of been a scary place, but with change and better times, also comes more people who fear change.
People that still hate black people, or still think women belong in the kitchen.
I don't doubt that the next great movement will be for gay rights. It's coming, it's only a matter of time.
However with that, will come more angry people, who think it's wrong or sick, or a sin.
People that want to cause harm, just because they're afraid of the things they cannot understand.
I fear these things. I also embrace the changes.
I know that on occasion, people in public laugh at me. Or give me a dirty look. And, I long for the days that me, and my peers can be exactly who we are, and who we want to be, without worrying.
Unfortunately...our world is one constant judgement.
So, we'll never be free of it...not completely.
But, also..times are changing. It is better than it used to be, and in ten years it'll be better than it is now.
I write this, because a friend of mine was hurt over the weekend. By straight people, thinking it's funny to attack gay people, just because they're gay.
Maybe because we're stereotyped as nonconfrontational bitches, who will run from a fight, and theyfeel like we're human punching bags.
Maybe it feeds their ego, and makes them feel better about themselves. I'm not sure.
But, it's hard to notice change in the world...when a straight person can come to a gay bar, be accepted there as an individual.....and attack a gay man, and walk out as if nothing happened.
It saddens me.....because when things like this happen, you start to second guess the people around you.
The gay and straight communities will never align with things like this occuring.
We live in fear of one another.
Fear often brings out the worst.
I wish that I, alone...could change the world. I wish that I had a plan to bring everyone together. I wish that , that ideal was...even possible. It's a fantasy that...will never happen. At least..not completely.
The world will never be a peaceful world. Because people, are never content with what they have.
People will always want more. More money, more power. More love.
I sit here, and I just wonder....what is the world going to be like, when I'm in the later stages of my life.
Will it be better? or...just different?
Will my children embrace different cultures and ideas, that even I can't understand? Where will the growth lead?
I believe that this current election, is going to change the world. If a black man, or a white woman happens to be elected into office...our country will see the most radical things come to pass.
As much as it shows change, the extremists will show that not everyone changes.
And a part of me is afraid to see what will happen.
Things are about to change in ways, that...we probably don't even realize.
And, as I think about my friend, and why this happened, and how it happened...I can't help but think that...all the change we've proclaimed as sucha good and beautiful thing...isn't enough.
It's just not.
It makes you think, that...we've come nowhere.
And that makes me feel just a little sad.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
A Bit All Over the Place.
Posted by
-A Beautiful Mind-
7:30 AM
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