I'm sitting here watching Racheal Ray, and I suddenly feel the need to list a few things that irritate me.
1) Racheal Ray. I don't know why, but her voice makes me want to cut myself. Her cooking...good times. Her voice....Not so much.
2)The fact that everyone is getting old. Christie Brinkley (shes on R.R) is like 54, and looks it. Madonna is over 50. Ellen is 50. I'm starting to realize that the people that were 25-30 and hot when I was younger...are now getting old, and aren't so hot anymore. It's a painful reminder that at 25, my best years are behind me. And, I'm not prepared for that.
3)That damn Captcha thing you gotta retype to post a comment on myspace, or log in to yahoo games. Sometimes they put 9 different letters/numbers in there, and often they're so close to one another, or sideways and ontop of each other that I can't figure out what some of them are. I find myself having to do it 3 or 4 times to get it right. I don't have time for that shit!
4) The maintenance guy at our apartment complex found out we have a dog. (Well... *I* have a dog. I've had him since I was 12 years old) And, he ratted us out. So, we got a letter stating we have 30 days to get rid of the dog, or we can be served with an eviction notice. Upon calling the complex manager...The only way around their "No Pets" policy, is if I can get a doctor to write a letter saying something to the effect of "He's been through alot, his dog is an "emotional companion" (their words..not mine) I don't have a doctor, so I basically have to ask a doctor during my first visit with them, if they'll write some stupid thing saying I need my dog for my emotional well being. It's ridiculous and I'm so afraid to do it. However, if I don't at least try, I have to deal with the fact that we'll be forced to move, and it'll be entirely my fault. (guilt...it's ugly)
5) People who make comments to you, or to someone else in front of you, that are something they want you to overhear and read too much into, but pretend that they don't want you to know about. It's ridiculous
6) The fact that I couldn't get the right spelling of "maintenance" without going to dictionary.com.
7) I either sleep too much, or not enough. It's never the right amount. I'm always either too tired to do anything, or too over-slept to do anything. Sleeping too much is worse than not sleeping at all. Either way..I'm always tired.
8) Everyone I become close friends with...moves away. Every person that I've ever considered a "best friend"...I barely never speak to. It sucks.
9) the fact that my closet rod is still broken. It's been 3 weeks. I'm tired of my fucking clothes being all over the fucking place. Fuckin maintenance douchewaffle needs to get on his shit. This is bullshit. They now KNOW we have a dog, so I just wanna be like "look....if our clothes stay all over the floor...the dog I'm not supposed to have is gonna pee all over them...and I know that's not your problem.But...fixing the fucking shit yer supposed to fix...is your problem so fucking do your fucking job you fucking tattle-tail bastard.
10) Guys who say they're bisexual bottoms. You can fuck pussy, but not ass? wtf is that? Why don't you just say "hey....i fuck girls because im too scared to come right out and say hey..im a homo who likes it up the butt."
11) March Madness. If they didn't restrict it to only in March, then maybe it wouldnt be on all god damned day, and then when the shows that I DVR every week come on at 8 or 9, the basketball bullshit would actually be over, and I'd get the entire episode of what I'm taping. Instead...it goes over its scheduled time, and I end up with 57 minutes of 60 minutes, and 3 minutes of Big Brother. All of which was the recap from last weeks episodes.
12) Basketball in general. It's so repetitive.
13) Christie Brinkley. She's singing on RR. She sounds like a man. Looks like a man, pretending to me a woman, who looks like a man pretending to be a woman.
14) We live right next to a funeral home. (it's pretty dead usually) Today there's this family of 6 in the parking lot. They don't appear to be in any particular state of mourning. Three of them, are racing remote controlled cars through the parking lot. THREE of them. Don't they have a sidewalk at home?!?
15) Barack Obama. I'm just not a fan. I don't like his face, I don't like his name. He comes across as shiesty to me. Sure, Hilary is shiesty too, but at least I know that. I can't stand that everyone says "oh he's sucha good speaker and his speeches move people". Yeah. He's a good speaker. But...all he's doing is reading a speech that someone else wrote. Should we elect him cuz he can stand in the mirror and rehearse a speech until it sounds good, or should we elect the person who actually wrote the words that are moving people. People came down on Geraldine Ferrarro.(whatever her name is) for saying that Barack wouldn't be where he is if he wasn't black.
I couldn't agree with her more. As much as people say this isn't about race and gender....unfortunately...That's ALL that it's going to be about. If they black man wins it, it'll be *the* defining moment for black people. The same for women if the woman wins. I think politics need a major overhaul in general.
16) Politics. All it is, is propaganda. Half the republicans aren't republicans. The democrats arent democrats. They're just people pretending to be something that they know hundreds of thousands of people will rally behind.
If I knew that there was a chance of me becoming president..I might tell people exactly what they want to hear too.
17)I'm poor. Dirt poor. I spend too much, I don't make enough. I don't work enough, and if I did, I'd complain that I work too much. I never get to buy anything for myself. It's food, bills and rent. Occasionally something on ebay that's already belonged to someone else. It just ain't the same. I'm a shopaholic who isn't allowed to shop. It sucks dirty buttcrack.
18)Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I hate everything about her. Including her face.
19)Ohio. The place, the people. Everything. Everyone. I need to escape.
20 A) People going on and on about "Britneys' Comeback". She never woulda left in the first place if everyone would just leave her alone. God damn.
20 B) Being horny. I swear to god, I'm addicted to sex. All I want to do all god damn day is orgasm.
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
20 Things that are Irritating Me
Posted by
-A Beautiful Mind-
10:18 AM
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i'm old...am i still beautiful?
I absolutely LOVE THIS BLOG! I've been having the shitiest (?) day/4 years this made me laugh and cry all at the same time. Your such a wordsmith. Keep doing what your doin. You have a beautiful spirit, i think that makes some envious.
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