200. My middle name is:Vincent
199. I was born in:Toledo Hospital
198. I am really:a neurotic, scared mess.
197. My cell phone company is:Verizon
196. My eye color is:Brown.
195. What was the last picture you took?I’m not big on pictures. I don’t like them being taken of me, therefore I find it appropriate that I don’t go trying to snap pics of someone else. I…know how annoying it is.
194. My ring size is:I guess that depends on which figure yer asking about. How about this one.
*raises middle finger*
193. My height is:5'11- 6ft. (somewhere in that vicinity)
192. i am allergic to?codiene. (It won’t kill me, just make me feel like death)
191. I was born:on May 4th 1982.
190. I am annoyed by:A lot of things. Most things, actually.
189. Last book you read:The first book in Stephen Kings’ “Dark Tower” series. “The Gunslinger”.
188. My bed is:In storage. We sleep on P’s.
187: One thing you hate about yourself:
That I’m never happy with anything.
186. Which of your fingers would you chop off first? Assuming you had to of course.Generally I’d say the ring finger…but then there’d be a big gap. I think the pinky wins (or…loses in this case) just for general appearance purposes.
185. Would you make out with one of your cousins if no one would ever find out about it?No.
184. If you could have lunch with any living celebrity, which would you choose?
Fiona Apple. Hands down.
183. What is the last thing you'd expect your dad to say to you?I’m going to cut off my weiner, and join a traveling tranzy circus show.
182. What is the last thing you'd expect your mom to say?
Anything admitting remorse, regret, or guilt.
181. Ever been to the driving range?Is that a golf thing? I like Golden Tee.
180. What is your favorite type of sandwich?Uh…I’m not really a lunch-meat kinda guy. I do love me some P. B and J, though.
179. My favorite holiday is:Halloween is fun, but..I like getting gifts more. Jesus Day wins.
177. The last cd I bought was?Mozella. Off of Ebay. Love her.
176. Have you ever climbed a mountain?
No. Nor do I have any desire to do so.
175. Are you living at home?My significant other and I live together. It’s home.
174. Do you have any siblings:I have three sisters. And they’re hella cute.
173. Are your parents divorcedYes.
172. What song are you listening to?Linda Perrys’ “Success” is playing on I-Tunes.
171. What's your favorite line in it?”Will success fail me…Will it make me free”
170. What did you do today:I haven’t done anything yet.
169. When did you start this questionnaire?7:04 a.m. And, I’m about to pause to go back to sleep. lol
168. What should you have been doing instead of this?Sleeping. It’s a beautiful thing.
167. How old are your parents?My dad turned 50 in August. I think that makes my mom 45ish. I’m not sure. We’re not exactly close.
166. What is a phrase you constantly say that doesn't make any sense?I don’t typically say things that don’t make sense. A lot of people ask “what exactly is a douchewaffle?” My response.. “you”.
165. Have you ever quit a job?
I quit working with my dad because he was smoking crack.
I quit working at Caesars because the manager at the time was a nutjob.
I was hired at Taco Bell when I was like 19, though…I never actually started.
164. When's the last time you sneezed?I’m not exactly sure. I’ll hafta get back to you on this one. After I check my sneeze log book that I keep.
163. What is your stance on facial hair?I’m neither for it, nor against it. It’s just alright for me. Though, I think I personally am cuter with a little of it.
162. Is there a word that makes you cringe?Not particularly…
161. How are you at algebra?About as good as I am at shooting gold out of my asshole.
160. Now what song is playing?
Mandy Moores’ cover of “Umbrella” (Ella…ella…ella…aye..aye.)
159. Are you physically fit?I’m not in top shape that’s for sure. But, I’m not disgusting either. I’m just alright I guess.
158. Which one of your friends would you never let meet your parents?I don’t even have an answer to this.
157. Anything hurting at the moment?Something is always hurting on me. I think I’m dying.
156. What are you currently happy about? Not something that you're always happy about, something recent...I don’t think I’m currently happy about anything inparticular. I’m not really that kinda guy.
155. Do you have a crush?
Nah. I have someone I wuv.
154. Have you ever been a victim of identity theft?Hell no, who would want to be me, I’m a mess.
153. Would you like to see a bald eagle with a beard?No. But a mullet would be hot.
152. What's the most fragrant thing around you?
151. What did you last have for dinner?Rallys. (yesterday)
150. 50 down, how ya doing?Blah. I’m 50 questions into it, and it’s taken me 2 days. And, I hafta stop soon to go to work. I really don’t have time for this. *shrug*
149. I know you watch it, so what is the title of the last porn vid you watched?I don’t really do porn. Occasionally some random stuff on Xtube. But its rare.
148. Which one of your friends has the coolest name?
I like Prestons’ name. And Shelbys’.
147. What's the last thing you built?I put together a shelf-y thingy that goes over the toilet. Our bathroom is the size of my elbow, so we needed something in there to put things on.
146. What's the oddest smell you like?Uhh…. I don’t know? Occasionally gasoline. I’m not crazy about it, but if I spill it on my fingers, I tend to repeatedly smell them. Lol.
145. What was the last package you received?I got some stuff from Old Navy and the Gap today. Yay.
144. Have you ever opened someone else's mail?Not that I know of..Well…wait..I think I got a x-mas card sent to my house one year a few years ago. I was broke….You do the math. There was no money. L. I tend to just throw away mail if it’s the wrong address.
143. Have you ever sent someone a message or note that said "143"?What does that even mean? No..No I haven’t.::
I Believe In:::142. Love at first sight:Nope. It’s lust. Love takes time. A lot of it.
141. Good Luck:I believe it exists. Though, not so much for me.
140. Fate:This one is tricky. I believe there are some things that are pre-determined. I also believe you can change things… So..who fuckin knows.
139. Yourself:I know that I exist. But, I don’t have faith in myself. I tend to fuck things up.
138. Aliens:Ehhh…I don’t think about it much. It’s silly to think we’re the only ones. But it’s silly to think there’s one eyed guys with special powers and shit living on some planet 3 galaxies from here.
137. Heaven
I do believe in some sort of “perfect place” kinda ideal…where the good hearted people go. I don’t know if it’s one specific place…or, if everyone kinda has their own.. It’s a toughy.
136. Hell:Kinda part of the package deal of believing in heaven. The problem lies in….what makes you a bad enough, or good enough person to end up in either place.
135. Ghosts:I do believe in ghosts. And, they do scare the living shit out of me.
134. Horoscopes:I believe that when you were born does affect some of your personality traits. That’s about it.
133. Soul mates:I don’t think there is that ONE person that you’re destined to be with…no.:::
Which is Better:::132. Cat or Dog?I’m an equal opportunity pet lover.
131. Hotmail or Hot Males?hahaha. I do appreciate a hot male.
130. This or That?The other.
129. Hugs or Kisses:I like hugs. But I like kissing more.
128. Fire or Ice?Uh…I don’t prefer one over the other.
127. Phone or Online:Online. I’m an internet junkie for sure.
126. Chicks or Pups?wtf?
125. Blondes or Brunettes:Im not really into the blonde thing. It’s so …predicatable.
124. Hot or cold:I’d rather be a little cold, than a little hot.
123. Summer or winter:I’d rather be a little cold, than a little hot.
122. Fall or Spring:Fall. Theres too much rain in the spring, and that’s bad for the bottoms of mah jeans.
121. Chocolate or vanilla:Vanilla.
120. Night or Day:Night. Sunlight is not cool.
119. Oranges or Apples:Apples. They’re tasty.
118. Curly or Straight hair?
It’s not really an issue either way.
117. How many showers do you take a day?
Typically one. But, two happens quite often.
Thoughts on...116. Abortion:I’m against abortion as a form of birth control. There are exceptions for health concerns, and certain situations. But, don’t be irresponsible, not wrap it up, then think you should be able to coat hanger an unborn baby just because you aren’t ready for kids. It’s a risk you take. Kinda like herpes.
115. Backstabbers:Everyone does it at some point. It’s a dog eat dog world.
114. Have you ever had any unusual food?Nope. I’m a picky eater.
113. Seen a grown man naked?Many –a-time.
112. Heard the wolf cry to a blue corn moon?
I’m not in Nebraska.
111. ...or asked the grinning bobcat why he grinned?If I see a bobcat..I doubt we’ll be talking much. Or grinning.
110. Can you sing with all the voices of the mountains??Sure. *smokes more crack*
109. Sorry. Ok, have you ever eaten a live insect?Not to my knowledge. But it seems likely that it’s occurred at some point.
108. Tried to drink a gallon of milk?No, I have better things to do. Like eating whole tubs of butter. Guzzing containers of syrup. Milk is so 2006.
107. Did you regret that?
I regret your mom.
106. Fired an automatic weapon?Never have. Prolly never will.
105. aswnerd an queston that lookked lyk dis?I have now.
104. Contemplated suicide during the taking of this quiz?Not so much.
103. Nailed a hot board?Uhm…I don’t think I get it. I’d like to get nailed. I’m horny.
102. Piled into a bed with 4 of your closest friends?Yeah. It’s happened.
101. Saw someone I haven't seen in awhile:I seen one of my sisters last night.
100. Cried in front of someone:I cry a lot. It’s what I do.:::Friends:::
99. Do you think any of your friends are still reading this?I’m not so sure I have any friends left. Just strangers in the night.(Sinatra is playing)
98. Which of your friends have passed out in your front or back yard?None as of yet. But I won’t rule it out in the future.
97. Which one of your friends have you known the longest?Dj Tommie. And Hankee.
96. Have any of your friends ever made art of/for you?I have a Tori drawing from Jaymes. A Chinese painting from Jaymes. A happy gay lion from Sharon. And two random paintings from Chris S. <3
95. What is the next event you are looking forward to with your friends?Front row tickets to the Lion King baby.
94. Name a song, and a friend it makes you think of?Candlelight by Imogen Heap. It makes me think of two friends actually. Angie and Ashley.
93. Find something nearby that a friend has given you and tell us about it:I see the entire “Muse” collection. Richard burnt it all for me. I loves me some Richard. And some Muse.
92. Who's the last friend (non sig-other/hookup) to sleep in your bed?Grant.
91. Any friend you haven't seen in a while?
I never see any of my friends. *sad face*
90. Who is the ditziest person you know:Grant. By far.
89. Who makes you laugh the most:I make myself laugh more than anyone else does. But T-Pussy makes me laugh. So does P-Ton.
88. Who makes you laugh the least?
Shiny pants. He irritates me.
:::Movies:::87. The last movie I saw:
Uh…Stardust. It was weird.
86. Worst movie you've seen that other people like?Dancer in the Dark. I hated that shit.
85. Best movie for making out to?Eh…anytime is a good time when it comes to making out/fornication.
84. Worst turnout in a theater?Do I look like ebert and roper? Wtf?
83. Last movie you recommended someone not see?The Golden Compass. Not because it wasn’t good. (it was a like a B) but, because I don’t think a lot of people are aware that it’s a trilogy. No closure. Ugh.
:::Random:::82. What I don't understand is:the makings of myself.
81. What was the last thing you said to your significant other/crush?
It probably wasn’t nice. We were fighting. *sad face*
80. Where were you on September 11th?I was having early morning fornications. I got up, opened the door, and Sharon was on the other side crying. Saying that World War III had just started. … lol.
Did you answer as if I was asking about 2001?Well…yeah.
78. What is 120894-8422? No calculators...112472 (no calculator) (but…I didn’t do the math…I just kept Devins answer there. I cheat)
77. I have never eaten :?.
My own head.
76. Something I always really miss is:Feeling like I fit in with a special group of friends. I’m kinda…without that now.
75. The thing that I'm looking forward to the most:Making an impact. Somehow. To someone.
74. The thing that I'm not looking forward to is:Going back to my old work schedule. I’ll be broke again. *sad face*
73. Tomorrow:is Friday. And I work.
72. Today:
Is Thursday. And I work.
71. Next Summer:is next summer. And I’m sure I’ll hafta work at some point.
70. Next Weekend:Is Phillips birthday.
69. Next Year:Ugh…this is getting aggravating.
68. Last year:*middle finger*
67. People call me:a lot of things. They’re rarely compliments.
66. Pick something in the room with you and tell the story behind it:My wallet. It’s on the desk. I originally bought It for this boy I was seeing. I ended it, and kept it wrapped for like a year. Finally, my wallet was coming apart, and I was like..fuck it. Merry X-Mas to me.
65. What's the closest patriotic item to you?Prestons’ Air Force One model plane.
64. What are your views on dandruff?It’s kinda weird. I’ve never had to deal with it.
63. Are you scared of clowns?I’m not scared of them. Nor do they bring me joy.
62. Do you know anyone that says "are you ascared?"?Not that I can think of. I’m sure someone does.
61. What about "I'm just sayin'?"I say that. So does Preston.
60. The most difficult thing to do is:Trust people, after you’ve been dicked over.
59. I have gotten a speeding ticket:I’ve had a few.
58. Do you have any bad tattoos?I don’t have any. I’d like one though.
57. What's the nicest hotel you have ever stayed in?I don’t think I’ve ever really stayed in a nice one. The one in Chicago when I had my audition with the Big Brother people was probably the best thus far.
56. Ever seen a car accident?Nope. Been in a few. Minor ones though. *thanks the lawd*
55. The first person i talked to today was:Aaron. He called to tell me might be moving back. He lives in Boston now. It’s been foreeeever.
54. First time you had a crush:My first boy crush was one of my aunts’ husbands. She told a story when they were fighting, how he liked her to stick things in his butt. I was like “eww that’s gross”, but thinking..”hmm…we need to hang out”.
53. The one person who i can't hide things from:I don’t hide things. I’m a pretty open person. I mean, to an extent.
52. Last time someone said something you were thinking:People don’t usually say what I’m thinking. I’m meaner than most.
51. What is the last thing you framed?Oh god…I can’t even think of anything. Probably a picture of Fiona Apple or something.
50. What is your dream job?
I already write. I just want to get paid for it someday.
49. First real job?I worked in my dads’ drywall company for four years. I was butch.
48. I have/will get a job:I have one. They just don’t give the hours they should. It’s not who ya know, it’s who ya blow. And I’m not blowing anyone. (well..im blowin someone…but not from work)4
7. I have these pets:Paco, (my Chihuahua) Special Shoutouts to “mousie”, “Grrrraham”, and Leo-nardo
46. I wish:life didn’t involve so much struggle.
45. The worst sound in the world:This guy that comes to the bar. They call him Mickey Mouse. He’s older, fat, and talks in this high pitch. Then he gets wasted, and occasionally you’ll hear his real voice, and yer like..”wtf….thats WAY less irritating”.
44. The person that makes me cry the most is:Myself. I get thinking…and then I beat myself up mentally. I’m a mess sometimes.
43. Best sound in the world:”I love you”.
42. What do you think about the gays?They’re alright. The real question is, How many jews can fit in an oven.
41. Do you like video games?I’m one of those people that play video games for that long, storyline. Give me some Final Fantasy, and I’m happy.
40. If you are drinking something currently, what are you drinking it from?Smart Water. From the bottle. (it doesn’t make you smarter)
39. Something that makes you happy:Celery.
38. What's the last thing to startle you?I was sleeping the other day…and woke up because of this loud bang. I look around, and bam….the closet rod fell down…all our clothes..on the floor. Blah. Scared the shit outta me.
37. Anything amusing nearby?No, not really.
36. How do you like sneezes?I can’t say that I enjoy them. They’re kinda weird.
35. Florida or Hawaii:I’d prefer to drown, rather than to die from volcanic ash.
34. What are your views on the war It’s a “who has the bigger dick” contest. I don’t know who does, but I know we have the bigger asshole.
33. My favorite piece of clothing:I don’t have one. I like a lot of my clothes.
32. You're surrounded by aborigines, what would you like to have handy?um…I guess that depends on what they’re surrounding me for. Are they gonna hurt me, or worship me.
31. Last time I cried:Was last night. Twice. For completely unrelated reasons.
30. My friends are:pretty distant right now.
29. My computer is:I use Prestons.
28. The school I go to is:Where I met your motha.
27. Last person I got mad at is:Preston. Lol.
26. Boring questions are:quite frequent in this survey.
25. How many times have you thought about giving up?I’ve given it up a lot. Er..oh, the survey? A few. But I’m no quitter.
24. Croutons?I don’t need them, but I’ll eat em if they’re there.
23. What is an albatross? Answer in a rhyme, don't copy the person before you
This makes me want to cut out my eyeballs and throw them down the hallway.
So totally gay.
22.The all-time best movie is:American Beauty.
21. The all-time best feeling in the world is:The moment you orgasm.
20. The all-time greatest failure is?not believing in yourself.
19. What are you immediate plans following this questionnaire?I’ll be getting in the shower for work.
18. Do you know anyone born on the 18th of any month?A few. Indeed.
17. I lose all respect for people who:Lie.
16. The movie I cried at was:I cry at everything.
15. Have you seen any good bumper stickers lately?No. I don’t really pay attention to that much.
14. TV channels you watch:Bravo. The locals. MTV. Sci-Fi (cuz of P-ton)
13. Favorite web site:myspace. I refresh about every 3 minutes.
12. I like/love:I like feeling loved.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was:When I cracked a rib. Recovered for two weeks (it wasn’t easy) then,…immediately cracked the other side.
10. My favorite word isDouchewaffle.
9. My room is:too small. I can’t wait til we get a bigger place.
8. My favorite celebrity is:Fiona Apple. And..I reeeally love Amy Poehler. And Tina Fey.
7. Are there any phrases you'd like to use more often?
Fuck me.
6. Now that you're almost done, how long has this taken you?Three different days. I got shit to do.
5. My weakness is:a sad story.
4. What I like/first notice about the opposite sex is?If they’re pretty.
3. Who broke your heart:
That’s a tit-for-tat kinda game. I’ve been hurt, and I’ve hurt. It happens.
2. One thing that makes you feel great is:having sex. I’m addicted. It’s a good time. Get offa me. Or…in me. Something. Hahahaha.
1. The one person that you wish you could see right now:I miss my grandmother with every single day. She invented unconditional love. I miss her.
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Two Hundred Q's.
Posted by
-A Beautiful Mind-
6:01 PM
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That was from Pee On Me, BTW, lol
I Love me some Shelby. *huff*
This was a fun read. God, I need to start drinking again.
yeesh...what a psycho.
Nick! you copy/pasted my 200 Q's! (psst i cheated on the math)
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